Other Programs

Don Burt Community Care Program

The purpose of the Don Burt  Community Care Program is to provide basic (pre-approved by SBHHM’s Medical Director) over the counter medications (OTC) to clients at Severe Weather Shelter sites.  Basic health care supplies other than medicine (such as vitamins) will be provided as they are donated to SBHHM.

The program has the following objectives:

  • To decrease the spread of the common cold, flu, and other illness.

  • To assist in alleviating pain via OTC analgesic medications.

  • To ensure as best as possible, those taking shelter are able to obtain a good night’s rest.

One trained volunteer is assigned each night between the hours of 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm.  The volunteer will provide a single dose of whatever medicine is requested.  No judgment will be made by volunteers on what medicine an individual needs, nor treatment or diagnosis.    

Medical Financial Assistance Program

The Medical Financial Assistance Program is a fund established by a generous benefactor to assist the poor and medically underserved. It is used by SBHHM clinical volunteer physicians, nurse practitioners and registered nurses to temporarily assist patients with medical needs while the patient works out how they will manage future needs. Its goal is to assist the poor and medically underserved in meeting health-related needs on a temporary basis.

This program was started because many patients who come to the Free Clinics operated by SBHHM have no access to health care and/or are unable to pay for their needed care. Many of the patients experience acute illnesses or a chronic disease such as hypertension, diabetes or asthma. Without treatment these diseases can become profoundly debilitating with numerous complications. Many individuals forego important physician visits and needed medications because of the cost. Without good health and proper health care, it is even more difficult to find and keep a job and raise a family. Even with the Affordable Care Act, many will still be unable to afford medications and medical supplies.

Gentle Yoga/Chair Stretching Program

The purpose of the Gentle Yoga/Chair Stretching Program is to offer participants instruction and guidance on the home-practice of gentle yoga/chair stretching for better stress-management and overall improvement of mental and physical health.  By acclimating participants to this practice, they become capable of enlisting these strategies in the larger fabric of their daily lives.

Though the specifics of each session varies depending on instructor discernment and client population, overall each session involves some element of body position and gentle stretching, breath awareness, and intention setting.  This might include actual meditation practice time (with or without verbal guidance) and group discussion.  A gentle yoga may be guided by the instructor.

For the location of the 4:00 to 4:45 session that occurs on Wednesdays, please call 303-380-3132.